Crate gzp

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Parallel compression.

This module provides implementations of std::io::Write that are backed by an async threadpool that compresses blocks and writes to the underlying writer. This is very similar to how pigz works.

The supported encodings are:

  • Gzip
  • Zlib
  • BGZF
  • Mgzip
  • Raw Deflate
  • Snap Frame Encoding



A typical parallel compression task:

use std::{env, fs::File, io::Write};

use gzp::{deflate::Gzip, par::compress::{ParCompress, ParCompressBuilder}, ZWriter};

let mut writer = vec![];
let mut parz: ParCompress<Gzip> = ParCompressBuilder::new().from_writer(writer);
parz.write_all(b"This is a first test line\n").unwrap();
parz.write_all(b"This is a second test line\n").unwrap();

A typical single_threaded task:

use std::{env, fs::File, io::Write};

use gzp::{deflate::Gzip, syncz::SyncZBuilder, ZWriter};

let mut writer = vec![];
let mut parz = SyncZBuilder::<Gzip, _>::new().from_writer(writer);
parz.write_all(b"This is a first test line\n").unwrap();
parz.write_all(b"This is a second test line\n").unwrap();

If the number of threads might be 0, the following provides a uniform api:

use std::{env, fs::File, io::Write};

use gzp::{deflate::Gzip, ZBuilder, ZWriter};

let mut writer = vec![];
let mut parz = ZBuilder::<Gzip, _>::new()
parz.write_all(b"This is a first test line\n").unwrap();
parz.write_all(b"This is a second test line\n").unwrap();


pub use crate::bgzf::BgzfSyncReader;
pub use crate::bgzf::BgzfSyncWriter;
pub use crate::mgzip::MgzipSyncReader;
pub use crate::mgzip::MgzipSyncWriter;


Bgzf format base implementation.
Wrappers around different check types.
DEFLATE based compression formats.
Mgzip format base implementation.
Single threaded compression that mimics the crate::par::compress::ParCompress API and implements crate::ZWriter.


When compressing data, the compression level can be specified by a value in this enum.
A Pair is used to represent header or footer information.
Unified builder that returns a trait object



128 KB default buffer size, same as pigz.
32 KB default dictionary size, same as pigz.


Defines how to write the header and footer for each format.
Create a synchronous writer wrapping the input W type.
Trait that unifies sync and async writer

Type Definitions

Small helper type to encapsulate that the channel that sends to the writer is sending a receiver that will receive a result that is a tuple of the check value and the compressed bytes.